A Faculty at the College of Education for Pure Science Publishes Research in an Indian Journal.
Assistant Professor Dr. Ammar Ahmed Sultan a faculty at the College of Education for Pure Science published a paper entitled: (STUDYING THE VARIATION OF WING SHAPE AND SIZE FOR IRAQI HONEY BEE WORKER APIS MELLIFERA (HYMENOPTERA: APIDAE) COLLECTED FROM BAGDAD AND DIYALA PROVINCES BY USING GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRIC OF WING) in the Indian World Journal: (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH). The study involved the measurement of the genetic diversity of insects using the geometry of the shape of the wing and the study of the genetic heterogeneity of the two communities of Iraqi honey bees and the group from Baghdad and Diyala governorates. By measuring the distances between the intersections of long and reviewed veins found on the wing of the insect and detecting the classification of single-sex species it was considered a physically inexpensive method compared to molecular genetic studies.