The Ministerial Team Checks out Diyala University E-Learning Platform and Praises the Examination Procedures.
The Ministerial team of E-Learning at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research visits via zoom platform our university faculties and dormitories and Praises the following up the proceedings to keep the safety of students in connection with the final in-class examinations, They also praised and the efforts of the Presidency of our University represented by his Excellency Dr. Abdul Monim Abbas Karim and the deanships of the colleges. The team also checked out the Dormitory department to look more closely at the actions which were taken by the University to provide a suitable examination environment for our students.
The actions taken to ensure the safe flow of the examinations were presented by the colleges' E-Learning officials. The most important of which was the achievement of social divergence through rotation of stages in in-class and online examinations, and the periodic sterilization of the exam halls, emphasis on mask wear and the provision of steroids within halls, and the activation of civil defense precautions to ensure the safety of all from any emergency. In the same context, The Directorate of Internal Affairs explained the mechanism for receiving students, providing adequate housing for them, conducting health checks at the University Centre and urging them to take the vaccine, providing reading rooms, Internet lines, and green corridors.
For his part, the University's Assistant for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Amer Mohamed Ibrahim, expressed his deep gratitude to the Ministerial team for their direct outreach and follow-up with our university faculties, which has a positive impact on ensuring the success of the examination process.